Das Enclave-Team von Starbreeze schlägt wieder zu – und lässt in dem Hack&Slay Knights of the Temple hektoliterweise Blut fließen. Ob die mittelalterlichen Schwertkämpfe auch spielerisch überzeugen können, erfahrt ihr im Test.
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I-Ninja (Action-Adventure) – I-Ninja
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Battle Engine Aquila (Action-Adventure) – Battle Engine Aquila
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Armed and Dangerous (Action-Adventure) – Armed and Dangerous
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Beyond Good & Evil (Action-Adventure) – Ancels Meisterwerk
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Castlevania (Action-Adventure) – Castlevania
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Maximo vs. Army of Zin (Action-Adventure) – Maximo vs. Army of Zin
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Tiger & Dragon (Action-Adventure) – Tiger & Dragon
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The Italian Job (Action-Adventure) – The Italian Job
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Ghosthunter (Action-Adventure) – Ghosthunter
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Dynasty Warriors 4 (Action-Adventure) – Dynasty Warriors 4
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Kya: Dark Lineage (Action-Adventure) – Kya: Dark Lineage
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Ratchet & Clank 2 (Action-Adventure) – Ratchet & Clank 2
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Chaos Legion (Action-Adventure) – Chaos Legion
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Findet Nemo (Action-Adventure) – Findet Nemo
Action-Adventure: Brandaktuelle News, Tests, Ankündigungen und Meinungen zu den neusten und beliebtesten Action-Adventure-Games von Gaming-Experten — 4P.de