Für die Early-Access-Version von Wreckfest steht das März-Update (1,7 GB) zum Download bereit. Mit dem Patch werden die Championships überarbeitet (mehr Vielfalt, weniger Grinding), zusätzliche dynamische Objekte auf den Strecken platziert, die (visuelle) Schadensdarstellung optimiert, die Kollisionen zwischen leichten und schweren Fahrzeugen verbessert und allerlei Anpassungen/Bugfixes vorgenommen.
- Added two new spanking rides, MudDigger and Rocket.
- Added a number of new banger racing and demolition derby inspired paint jobs (more coming).
- Reworked championships 1–2 to offer more variety and reduce grinding.
- Added support for challenge events (for now, only one is available for playing in the first championship but more will be added).
- Added reward pool functionality to ensure player always received parts that are a) suitable for a vehicle they own and b) not already owned c) appropriate for the current series.
- It’s now possible to view the bonus objectives in the pause menu, and making progress towards the target or completing it results in an on-screen notification.
- In multi-heat events, the player start position is now randomized to the second (latter) half of the grid.
- In multi-heat events, the start order in the Semi-Final and Final is now based on the finishing position of the qualifying heats.
- Round placement history is now viewable in the series standings view.
- Finishing position is now correctly taken into an account in the career rewards calculation.
- Player final standing is now correct in the series completion screen.
- Added support for reward-only vehicles that cannot be purchased from the car dealer.
- Added AI players using cars upgraded to the next class, for example Class C > Class B.
- Added more dynamic objects to a number of tracks (Tarmac 1, Tarmac 2, Tarmac 3, Mixed 3, Mixed 7, Sandpit 1, Sandpit 2, Sandpit 3, Gravel 1, Mixed 1, Mixed 2, Mixed 4, Mixed 5).
- Added ramps and dynamic objects to Speedway 2 Demolition Arena to make the gameplay more interesting, confined the arena to the middle area.
- Fixed a number of minor and major bugs and glitches on many tracks (including proxy objects, clipping objects, terrain tears, missing collisions, etc.)
- Improved environment art and added more dynamic objects to Speedway 2.
- Improved environment art, added new assets and dynamic objects to Tarmac 3.
- Tarmac 2, added new background buildings and replaced old proxy objects.
- Big Stadium, fixed multiplayer car change location + general improvements.
- Added damage model for the dynamic barrel prop.
- Overhauled Garage, Market, Assembly, Customization, Tune and Paint views.
- Overhauled Career Series Selection and Next Race screens.
- Overhauled Custom Event views.
- Visual damage is now more dynamic and gives a better impression of sheet metal being deformed.
- Collisions between light and heavy vehicles are now better balanced, with light vehicles not appearing as feather-weight in collisions.
- Decreased the sector protection effect of the visual customization parts and/or increased the weight of selected parts.
- Removed the effect of vehicle body panels absorbing damage, so all damage goes directly to the chassis health.
- Tweaked gameplay damage for Normal and Realistic Damage to match the visual damage more closely.
- Dynamic objects now have slightly more mass to them.
- In Custom Race, the player start position is now randomized to the second (latter) half of the grid.
- In Garage, body style and size vehicle properties have been replaced with a single type property.
- Novice AI is now more challenging with less obvious rubberbanding, and the jump between the Amateur and Expert difficulty is not as significant as previously.
- AI players now exhibit a reduced tendency to avoid the player car.
- Added a placeholder Credits item to the Main Menu Misc section.
- MP: Added support for Normal/Realistic Damage in multiplayer, available in the lobby and the server settings.
- MP: Fixed two separate instances of a server crash related to situations in which the player leaves the server.
- MP: Player stats overlay is now disabled while spectating.
- Adding heavy customization parts no longer results in the vehicle acceleration stat being reduced to 0.0.
- Improved AI throttle and brake use after severe engine/brake damage when damage is set to Realistic, so that AI no longer gets stalled.
- In a Custom Event, AI now correctly uses lawnmowers when the lawnmower AI Set is selected.
- Increased the amount of mesh particles (the shrapnel-y bits and pieces) emitted in collisions.
- Mesh particles now use custom vehicle color, matching the car color they’re emitted from.
- Engine block no longer gets unrealistically deformed with visual damage.
- Added leaderboards for the few tracks that were previously missing them.
- Integrated backtrace.io for automatic crash reporting.
- Added in-game spectator audio, crowd cheering etc.
- Updated Tristar engine audio with a new one.
- Tire wobble effect audio now plays only when there is visible tire wobbling.
- Fixed a number of minor audio issues.
- Wwise was updated to version 2017.2.1 build 6524.
Mit großen Schritten geht es Richtung Veröffentlichung. Seit dem großen Update mit den UI-Änderungen habe ich schon wieder fast 100h drin versenkt, mir fehlen jetzt eigentlich nur noch mehr Mitspieler. Hoffe, es sind noch ein paar Kröten für Werbung da.
Unglaublich wie schnell sich das Spiel nun entwickelt seit THQ übernahme.

Wird immer besser, macht jetzt schon Mega Spaß! Endlich mal würdigen Nachfolger zu Destruction Derby
Obs wohl irgendwann mal noch ein PS4 Datum gibt?