Im Laufe des heutigen Tages wollen Slitherine und Black Label Games einen Patch für Battlestar Galactica Deadlock auf Xbox One veröffentlichen und damit die Mehrspieler-Schlachten auf der Microsoft-Konsole freischalten – knapp acht Monate nach Verkaufsstart. Bisher waren die Multiplayer-Schlachten nur auf PC und PlayStation 4 verfügbar. In den Mehrspieler-Gefechten kann man kooperativ gegen Computergegner oder gegen andere menschliche Spieler antreten.
„Now, multiplayer battles arrive on Xbox One! Already available on PC and PS4, with these multiplayer skirmishes you can set up huge deep space battles against your friends or team up to fight co-operatively against the AI. Recreate deadly engagements between the Colonial fleet and the Cylon ships, with Base Stars fighting Battlestars, Viper squadrons chasing off Raiders and Colonial Marines fending off Centurion boarding parties. (…) Like the single player campaign, the multiplayer battles use the WEGO system: a turn-based engine where you issue orders to your fleet and your opponent (AI or human alike) does the same, and then both parties execute the orders simultaneously. A good Captain needs to predict where the enemy ships will go and what they will do, to counter and anticipate their moves.“